75 Years Internationaler Bund (IB)

Let's celebrate together!

On 11 January 2024, the festive event took place in Berlin to celebrate a milestone in our history: for 75 years, we have been committed to education, developement and international cooperation.


For all those who were unable to attend our anniversary celebration in Berlin in person, we have a special solution: the entire event was recorded via our live stream. This means that you can experience all the exciting program points, inspiring speeches an festive moments up close afterwards.

Take a look right now:

Further anniversary activities

We would like to continue to use this year to look back with you on 75 years of commitment, community and change at various regional events. We will provide you with further information on upcoming events here on this page as soon as possible.

We look forward to sharing this special event with you and hope to welcome you to one or two of our activities! 

Social media posts on 75 years of the Internationaler Bund

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