Press & News

Since 2021 there has been a partnership between the German IB Oberschule Neuenhagen near Berlin and the Polish school Szkola Podstawowa No. 2 near Poznan.


This June, two seventh-grade classes met at the youth hostel in Colditz Castle near the eastern German city of Leipzig. The main objective of the meeting at the Renaissance castle was for the…


The first Rwanda Forum of the DGD Förderstiftung took place in Marburg and Frankenberg at the end of August 2024. Participants were education stakeholders from business, politics and civil society, whose aim is to create a strong network to bring vocational training in wood technology in Rwanda up to international standards. The aim is to promote…



Coalition agreement of the federal government and the draft budget for the coming year do not match


With its proWOOD project, the Internationaler Bund (IB) promotes the wood sector in Rwanda and focuses specifically on female carpenters. In March 2023 the "Carpentress Club" was launched - a special exchange format which appeals to girls and young women who are interested in the carpentry profession


For the past three years, the Internationaler Bund (IB) and its International Migration Services (IMS) have been working hand in hand with the Alexander von Humboldt Cultural Institute in Medellin, Colombia.

Our joint project involves teaching the German language using a so-called hybrid system, in which participants initially take part in the…


IB Turkey provides services to various professional groups in the fields of education, employment and International Migration Services to promote social development and employment, and implements sustainable projects since its foundation in 2006.

Eda Nur Karsel has been the managing director of IB Turkey since 2021. She has been working for the…


Learning to Be More Independent




children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens every year


Qualified employees


Facilities in more than 1000 locations


Active in more than 60 countries worldwide

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Partners and Supporters of the IB

IB projects and measures are funded by various partners, including:

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