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Educating. Further Education, Retraining, Continuing Training

Today earning capacity is less and less related to social and economic security. The IB is engaged in the the global education agenda (Education 2030) as well as in the Europe 2020 Strategy to improve access to quality education and employment levels in Europe and worldwide. The IB offers continuing education and training to keep its clients qualified for the labour market and to improve their employment situation. In this way, the IB wants to help its clients in accordance with its mission statement to develop freely, live selfdetermined lives, integrate into society, take personal responsibility and to actively participate in the development of society.The IB also offers educational retraining and language courses to further personal job development.


Further Education

Everyone who wants to achieve long-term success in our modern industrial and service society has to renew and adapt his or her professional qualifications in ever shorter timeframes to meet the requirements of the labour market. The educational centres of the IB contribute to the successful and permanent integration of people into the labour market after a phase of unemployment with a variety of offers in the area of further training. The re-training and qualification offers are designed and implemented in close cooperation between the IB and the businesses/companies. According to their the importance in the labour market, further trainings in the area of information and communication technologies (e.g. CNC- und CAD-trainings), the hotel and restaurant business, as well as in the area of health and care take up a large portion of the IB’s work in this area. The IB also offers re-trainings in part-time for those who wish to return into their employment after a family phase.


Our modern industrial and service society is characterised by a constant change. Professional requirements alter in ever shorter periods; entire professional areas become unimportant or die out while other ones take their place. Against this backdrop, professional re-training of adults attains a high priority. It should enable entry into a new, qualified profession, often it also helps to receive a recognised vocational qualification for the first time.
The IB implements re-trainings on the basis of the statutory training regulations which conclude with an exam at the respective chambers or with a statutory degree (as in the medical academies).
The professional practise is taught in modern, well-equipped facilities in close cooperation with the companies. Both together are good prerequisites to subsequently find an employment.
The IB also offers re-trainings in part-time for those who wish to return into their employment after a family phase.

Professional Qualification through Language Courses

Better language competence leads to better opportunities in school, profession and society. The IB implements integration courses for people with a migration background who want long-term integration into society. Job seekers are furthermore offered occupationally-oriented language courses with an internship. The IB offers a large number of courses for young people from abroad, who want to spend their vacation in Germany or want to learn German for vocational reasons. 

The IB promotes intercultural understanding in:

  • basic and advanced courses for immigrants,
  • special courses for youth, women or illiterates,
  • intensive or remedial courses,
  • holiday language courses,
  • foreign language programmes for business, technology, medicine, and  the catering trade, and
  • foreign language courses in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Often people with migration background need additional vocational and work-related language skills to start and complete their education or some kind of work successfully. The IB offers accompanying language trainings in many measures of vocational training.

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