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Caring. Migration, Integration and Support to Refugees

The IB follows the Geneva Refugee Convention in its call to grant stronger protection of refugees or asylum seekers in Europe. As a member of the VENRO network, the IB demands that the EU and its member states take charge of the global responsibility and in its consequence approve more immigration to the EU and its member states. People do not leave their homes without a reason. They often fear for their lives due to war or massive internal instabilities in their home countries. In accordance with the Geneva Refugee Convention we demand independent definitions of migration policy and asylum policy.

People, who are forced by necessity to leave their homes, need special protection. As a signatory of the charter of diversity we fight against the discrimination of people based on their race, religion or place of origin. We are critical of the fact that it is hardly possible for refugees without residential status in member states of the EU to lead self-determined lives and participate in society.

In accordance with our mission statement, we demand the right for refugees to develop in freely, to live in a self-determined way, to be integrated into society, to take personal responsibility and to participate actively in the development of society.

The IB opposes the practise of excluding refugees and asylum seekers from broad areas of society. We demand the right for life and dignity for all, the implementation of the right to self-determination and free development of every human being and a social framework which guarantees equal rights to education and work for all refugees enabling their involvement in social and cultural life in the new home country. The detailed description of our demands for dealing with refugees in Germany and Europe are defined in the guidelines of the refugee’s assistance.


Fostering a Culture of Participation

The IB aims to reach the public with campaigns and projects which deal with the European refugee problem and with the political situation of refugees in Europe. Together with people living in the neighbourhood of the transition homes, it is involved in making sure that immigrants are welcomed through activities and events, and by taking up a clear position. The IB Youth Migration Service worked with two IB refuge dormitories to implement the project “Refugee-Flight-Refuge” (Flüchtling – Flucht - Zuflucht) supported by the IB foundation „Schwarz-Rot-Bunt“.

An impressive exhibition draws the attention from the anonymous group of refugees to the individual and his personal story – an important step towards greater acceptance in society. 

Furthermore the IB runs a number of dormitories with pedagogical and medically trained personnel to shelter unaccompanied minor refugees.


Youth Migration Services and Local Networking

The IB runs more than 90 Youth Migration Services in total. They advise young people, develop an individual integration plan with them and accompany them through school, vocational training, and job and leisure time. Finding ones’ place in society happens on a local level; this process is promoted by the civic projects of the IB.

This is where networks are established, that provide room and opportunities for meetings between people of different origins - to question mutual prejudices, for a common exchange and to get involved. 

Integration and Language Promotion

Young people with a migration background need good language skills to graduate from school and get involved in society. In addition to individual counselling and guidance, the youth migration services of the IB also offer pupils language and communication courses to improve their language skills. Migrants who are no longer of compulsory school age can attend integration courses especially for young people to learn German as a second language in stepwise progression. 

Advancement of Young Migrants and Refugees

The IB supports refugees and people with a migration background in developing their potentials. The mutual reduction of prejudices and the advancement of intercultural understanding are cross-segmental tasks across all areas of expertise of the IB.

Whether supporting unaccompanied minor refugees, providing language and integration courses or counselling and life planning for youth with migration background – its variety of services in the last decades has made the IB an expert regarding migration and integration with.

In order for integration to work in the long term, however, there is a significant need for a marked increase in commitment, openness and support from all parts of society.

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