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Educating. Vocational Orientation, Preparation and Training

A completed vocational training is a significant requirement for successful social integration and participation. The IB offers a variety of support solutions to people in the process of gaining a qualification: vocational orientation, vocational preparation, individual support and advice in the transition phase from school to vocational training, off-the-job trainings, and in-service support. In Germany, vocational training is carried out in a dual system, whereby the practical instruction takes place within a company and theoretical training is provided at a vocational school (college). Young people who do not find a company in which to complete their vocational training can pass the vocational training in a vocational training centre.


Vocational Orientation in Schools and Assessment of Potentials

The IB cooperates with schools in the area of vocational orientation of boys and girls from the 7th grade onwards - long before the respective vocational choice.

In an assessment of potentials for which the IB has developed a method which is called „Knowing my potentials “, the competences and resources of the pupils are observed, analysed and reported back to them. Self-assessment and external assessment are compared with each other the young people are given feedback on their strengths and areas of weakness to develop and work on.

Knowing the professions and being able to imagine the requirements of the respective occupation are necessary in order to make a vocational choice. Practical and product-oriented professional orientation is one possibility of getting to know a variety of jobs and testing them in practice for a length of time between several days up and two weeks. The youth get the chance to test vocational fields through practical tasks and whenever possible also by creating  their own product to take home. They are guided by experienced teachers of the respective divisions

Individual Guidance and Advice on Transition from School to Vocational Training - Profession Entry-Level Support

Young people need support during the transition phase from school to work. Individualised support of young people, which is able to deliver specifically to their developmental needs, has proved to be a good instrument. For those young people in need of targeted support the IB offers work entry support. It spans more than four years beginning in school (in pre-graduation grade) and is a respectful support and guidance for difficult times between school and work. It includes attainment of school qualifications/certificates, vocational orientation and choice, the search for an adequate educational institution or company and entry into vocational training. Our employees support the pupils in this significant orientation phase starting in school until six month after the entry into their vocational training. In this phase the advisors are the contact person for the educating company and the vocational training centre. They are always available and can even be contact by phone in emergencies. They bring together the whole of the young person’s environment and mobilise every support available.

Vocational Preparation

For young people who need support in their vocational training the IB offers preparatory educational trainings for the job. School leavers have the possibility to get an orientation and to qualify themselves before starting a vocational training. Our employees provide an intense insight into different professional fields and support the youth by helping them gain important key competences. School leaving qualifications/certificates can be also be attained there. The vocational preparation follows a modular structure and offers participants the possibility to compile their individual educational program agreed in a qualification plan between the educational trainer, the participant and the employment agency. Our socio-pedagogical workers offer the participants assistance in job-related and private personal and social. Finally the aim of this offer is the integration into training.

External Vocational Training

External vocational training is an active contribution to avoid youth unemployment. Young people who do not find a vocational institution within the standardised training system can complete  their vocational training in the dual system without compromising on the practical part. They are always well-prepared for their final exams. Todays’ requirements for training are increasing. The training courses of the IB are organised by the trainers, teachers and socio-pedagogical workers with a view to strengthening the youth’s personality and providing them with individual support. Furthermore the IB offers training courses to young people with disabilities which are tailored to their performance. The success speaks for itself: 80 per cent of the participants pass the exams in front of the Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Crafts and Landscape Associations for example. The IB has a high rate of placing candidates in permanent positions in commerce and trade, crafts, industry and services due to its collaboration with economic enterprises and work placements.

In-Training Support - Assistance during an International Vocational Training

In-training measures support young people to complete their vocational training successfully. Apprentices who have difficulties coping with the learning material can regularly participate in the remedial courses of the IB. This takes place, either in their free time or during their working hours if backed by the employer. The learning material of the vocational school is repeated and deepened in small working groups assisted by our teachers. The participants discuss their homework and prepare for the tests. A targeted preparation of the intermediate and final exams ensures the success of the vocational training.

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