Building Bridges. International Cooperation
Promoting the fields of social development, education and employment as well as international cooperation is an immediate prerequisite for achieving the global education agenda (Education 2030) which is part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that make up the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. In order to meet future social and economic challenges, the IB is committed to pursuing its international mission and to making strategic offers of expertise as a socially responsible organisation.
With its international projects and consultancy work in countries worldwide, the IB contributes to knowledge transfer and thus to improving the living conditions of people in transition and developing countries. It is currently present in education, training and social development markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and Asia (e.g. Poland, Turkey, The People‘s Republic of China, Russia and Georgia).
The IB cooperates with its international partners in international youth and adult education and takes part in actively solving social problems with tailor-made measures. Youth education seminars, internships, volunteer work and expert exchange visits are the focus of its international mobility activities. It takes part in the EU Youth Strategy and supports its implementation in Europe. The aim is to develop more and equal opportunities for all young people undergoing education and training and looking for a job, and also to promote active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity.