ALTAZIR - Improved Employability of Moroccan Youths
Country: Morocco
Client: Sequa / BMZ
Project duration: 06/19 - 02/24
Overall project value: 1.480.000,00 €
Background of ALTAZIR
The project "ALTAZIR - Improved Employability of Moroccan Youths" is a PartnerAfrica-Project within the framework of the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) between Bundesverband Berufsbildung International (BV-BBI) / Internationaler Bund e.V. (IB) and the Conféderation Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM) as well as other vocational training associations and institutions in Morocco. The aim of the special initiative is to use innovative formats and flexible instruments to strengthen the conditions for private investment and to create more and better employment opportunities for the rapidly growing young population in Africa. sequa is responsible to the BMZ for the implementation and quality management of the PartnerAfrica projects.
The Moroccan economy is still in a process of transition from an agrarian structure to a modern economy with substantial value creation in the industrial and service sectors. Despite good economic development, Morocco is currently struggling with high unemployment among young people. Young women are disproportionately affected by unemployment. Overall, there is a lack of jobs for younger people. The labour market is characterized by underemployment and precarious jobs with low incomes. In industry as well as in the service sector, there have not yet been enough job opportunities. At the same time, these sectors complain of a shortage of qualified workers.
Objectives of ALTAZIR
The overall objective is: The employability of Moroccan youth is improved through increased involvement of the business sector in vocational training. The project objective is defined as follows: Selected Moroccan business associations and their members actively participate in a practice-oriented design of vocational training.
The project operates at different levels with different target groups. At the micro level, the final target group is Moroccan youths and young adults who, as trainees or participants in qualification programmes, benefit from the newly created partial qualifications and a more practice-oriented qualification. Staff involved in vocational training in companies, who ensure practical training parts in the medium term, as well as trainers in vocational training centres are also direct target groups of the project.
At the meso level, the project cooperates with staff of the participating associations and vocational schools, who benefit above all through organisational development measures.
Type of Services Provided
- Develop training content (curricula) and coordinate with Moroccan private sector
- Sensitise companies to practical training content/internships
- Identify contents for further training of trainers and coordinate with companies/professional associations
- Provide further training in practical training content
- Plan and implement improvements in the equipment of training centres
- Carry out pilot training courses
- Fix and coordinate contents for job coaching formats and further training for start-ups
- Recruit and select future job coaches and start-up advisors in cooperation with the training centre
- Train job coaches and start-up advisors
- Create and introduce a monitoring system for measuring success