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Assistance during Training

COUNTRY: Germany
CLIENT: Regional Employment Agency (REA)
PROJECT DURATION: 01.10.2013– 30.09.2016
OVERALL PROJECT VALUE:  6,651,253.80€      


Assistance during Training (abH) is an active labour market measure launched by the Federal Employment Agency aiming to support young people with special learning needs with successful finalisation of the TVET programmes and entering the labour market.

The target group of the measure is young people with special needs who are involved in a dual TVET programme or undergoing introductory trainings (Einstiegsqualifizierung, EQ) and who:

  • cannot continue or finalize their vocational training successfully;
  • cannot start a new TVET course after a interrupting another one;
  • are at risk of interrupting the current TVET course.

Type of Services Provided

  • Technical support to REA on planning &management of the abH measure (budget and strategic planning, quality management according EFQM standards);
  • Continuous development of abH methodologies in close consultation with relevant actors;
  • Curriculum development, impact assessment;
  • Implementation and further development of education standards that support the provision of competency-based education in close cooperation with the client;
  • Organisation of support services to the target group:
  • Monitoring and updating of labour market information instruments with data on market needs and priorities, outcomes of TVET programmes, transit to employment of the target groups

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