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Early Childhood Development, Radeberg

COUNTRY: Germany
CLIENT: City of Radeberg
PROJECT DURTION: 01.06.2013 – 31.12.2016
OVERALL PROJECT VALUE: 1,149,608.78 €   


Early childhood development includes education measures for children between 0 and 6 years of age (level 0 ISCED classification). Early childhood education of IB institutions includes different institutional measures: amongst others cradles (children between 0 and 3 years of age), kindergarten (children between 3 and 6 years of age), playing and learning facilities, adventure playgrounds, pre-school classes as well as day care nanny support. The IB educational services provided for children are based upon the Child and Youth Services Act (German Code of Social Law -chapter VIII) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The IB early childhood programme is embedded in the regional conditions and is based on education and organization to the specific needs of children and their families. Children acquire the proper development taking responsibility, especially social skills and the ability and willingness to democratic participation. The bodies of the early childhood education of the IB working on the basis of different pedagogical approaches, including Montessori and Reggio pedagogy, as well as environmental education and situational approach. To particular forms of organization of learning and development processes include amongst others

  • project work: Projects are carried out both in homogenous age and mixed-age groups, and
  • work in functional areas.

Type of Services Provided

  • Advice to and collaboration with local and regional stakeholders on all child related issues, such as child protection, curriculum development, etc.;
  • Design, organisation and running of nurseries, kindergartens, adventure playgrounds, mobile playgrounds and pre-school classes for children between 0 and 6 years of age;
  • carrying out of continual training programs, supervision and internal consultancy for teachers and pedagogues (pre-service and in-service measures) including pedagogical aspects and child rights protection guidelines;
  • Prevention activities in the fields of child health and pedagogical concepts;
  • networking and liaising with as well as inclusion of the children’s parents.

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