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Enhancement of the Egyptian Dual System (EEDS) - Upskilling vocational training personnel in the dual system

PROJECT DURATION: 01.06.2018 – 30.05.2020
OVERALL PROJECT VALUE: 2,195,120.00 €   


High unemployment, especially youth unemployment, is one of Egypt’s most pressing problems. The reasons are rapid population growth, macroeconomic problems, inadequate job placement services and a lack of job-market relevance in education and training. While the dual training system is ahead of other training options, the quality of the training must be improved further so that it is better tailored to the requirements of the business sector. For the project to have an impact at macroeconomic level, there are currently too few trainees enrolled in a dual training programme.


The objective of the project "Enhancement of the Egyptian Dual System (EEDS)” is: The number of trainees in a dual education and training programme of appropriate quality is increased. The project is part of the infrastructure program, which is being implemented to avoid flight causes and to integrate refugees and migrants in the Middle East, Middle East and Africa. The project creates perspectives on the national labor market and contributes to economic and social stabilization in the region.

The IB is responsible for the implementation of the third field of action (“Upskilling vocational training personnel in the dual system”). The main objective of the consulting contract is to better enable VET staff of state and private actors of the dual system to fulfil their tasks in the implementation of dual training as required. This should improve the quality of training. In addition to imparting theoretical, practical and didactic competencies as well as the necessary competences for the management of dual training, the contractor should also train individuals and organizations to enter into competent and prepared dialogue with other actors. The project focuses on Egyptian training occupations with high employment potential, as are expected to occupations in the following areas:

  • Textiles and clothing, in particular the clothing industry,
  • Metal, in particular production, as well as maintenance and servicing,
  • Electrical engineering, in particular electrical installation and electronics,
  • Office and administration, especially administrative and commercial professions.

Type of Services provided

  • Coordination and steering of all activities of the third field of action
  • Recruitment and supervision of  national long-term experts as well as provide technical backstopping in close coordination with GIZ
  • Provide all the logistical, administrative and technical support to short-term consultants to be contracted under this agreement
  • Conduction of need analysis
  • Documentation of project experiences for GIZ internal knowledge management, project progress reports to BMZ, as well as for external communication purposes
  • Results-based monitoring
  • Development and implementation of further education measures in theoretical, practical and didactical training areas for school teachers and company trainers in occupations with high employment potential
  • Development and implementation of further education measures for the management of dual training (e.g. organization, quality management, coordination between the involved public and private actors)
  • Development of training measures for the transfer of the learning content (coaching, networks etc.)
  • Strengthening cooperation between actors of the state and private sector in the extension of the dual system and in the implementation of dual education
  • Coordination and steering of all activities of the third field of action
  • Recruitment and supervision of  national long-term experts as well as provide technical backstopping in close coordination with GIZ
    Provide all the logistical, administrative and technical support to short-term consultants to be contracted under this agreement
  • Conduction of need analysis
  • Documentation of project experiences for GIZ internal knowledge management, project progress reports to BMZ, as well as for external communication purposes
  • Results-based monitoring
  • Development and implementation of further education measures in theoretical, practical and didactical training areas for school teachers and company trainers in occupations with high employment potential
  • Development and implementation of further education measures for the management of dual training (e.g. organization, quality management, coordination between the involved public and private actors)
  • Development of training measures for the transfer of the learning content (coaching, networks etc.)
  • Strengthening cooperation between actors of the state and private sector in the extension of the dual system and in the implementation of dual education

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