Improvement of Preschool Education (IMPRES) in Serbia
CLIENT: Ministry of Education (MoE)
PROJECT DURATION: 01.02.2011 – 31.01.2014
Serbia faces problems in providing good quality education and is failing to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the labour market. International research and analysis as well as national experience show that investing in quality preschool education has a critical impact on greater school enrolment and attainment, reduces drop-out rates, supports learning opportunities and language learning of children from disadvantaged and minority groups (especially for Roma children), increases school success at all levels of education and contributes to social inclusion, employment and poverty reduction.
Objective of the IMPRES project is to upgrade the conditions of preschool education for children, especially those from vulnerable groups and notably Roma, through improvement in the quality of preschool programmes and expansion of the capacities of preschool institutions. The project involves all stakeholders participating in the provision of preschool services, such as the Ministry of Education, public institutes, local self-governments, preschool teachers, parents and civil-society organisations. The project will be accompanied by a permanent consultation and exchange process involving all relevant stakeholders in order to ensure the effective identification and dissemination of experiences and best practices.
Type of Services Provided
- technical assistance for the development and modernisation of preschool education provision with particular emphasis on children from vulnerable groups, both at national and local level;
- carrying out of research studies on the problems, needs and interests of disadvantaged children in 15 pilot provinces;
- design and development of large-scale training programmes for preschool professionals;
- organisation of international study tours for benchmarking EU best practices, and
- dissemination of lessons learned