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Jmd2start - Support for young refugees in the youth migration service

COUNTRY: Germany
CLIENT: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelische Jugendsozialarbeit e.V.
PROJECT DURATION: 16.11.2015 – 31.12.2017
OVERALL PROJECT VALUE:  1,697,794.00 €   


Young refugees who come to Germany need personal and competent support: The model project "jmd2start - Support for young refugees in the youth migration service" strengthens their access to education, work and social participation. The Youth Migration Services (JMD) advice and assist refugees aged between 12 and 27 at 24 model locations nationwide. The model project is financed by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.


The objectives are:

1. Improving the chances of integration (linguistic, educational, professional and social integration)
2. Promoting the participation of young people with a migrant background in all areas of social, cultural and political life
3. Independent dealing with German institutions / authorities
4. Independent action in all matters of daily life
5. Integration into school / vocational training
6. Integration into the social environment (neighborhood / district)

Type of Services Provided

  • Grant management, including supervision, definition of criteria to receive funds, financial administration, quality control, monitoring and evaluation and reporting to client.
  • Need-based case work based on the case management process
  • Social educational support before, during and after the integration and language courses
  • Support in integration into school and work
  • Assistance in recognition of foreign vocational and school qualifications
  • Close cooperation with companies (including internships)
  • Development and implementation of group offers for young refugees:
  • Company visits, application training, voice-u. Communication training, training for intercultural learning and social skills

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