Promoting Youth Employment in Rural Areas (PEJ II)
Country: Morocco
Client: GIZ
Project duration: 11/18 - 12/20
Overall project value: 1.496.330,00 €
Background of Promoting Youth Employment in Rural Areas (PEJ II)
Promoting employment is a top priority and an issue of utmost importance for the Moroccan authorities. Even with the economic growth that Morocco is experiencing, not enough jobs are being created to integrate the young population into the labour market. At the start of 2018, the unemployment rate was 10.5 per cent and youth unemployment was 25 per cent. However, these figures do not reflect the significant proportion of underemployed and informal workers among the rural population. In particular, the low participation of women in the labour market is alarming: at present, only 31.9 per cent of all women from rural areas have a job.
The reasons for this include the major regional differences in the labour market. There are also significantly fewer jobs on offer in rural areas than in urban areas. Social factors such as gender, level of education and age also play an important role and make it difficult to find work.
Objectives of Promoting Youth Employment in Rural Areas (PEJ II)
The employment situation for young women and men aged between 15 and 35 has improved in the regions of Fès-Meknès and Béni Mellal-Khénifra
As part of the decentralisation strategy that forms part of employment policy, this project – which is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment and Professional Integration (Ministère du Travail et de l’Insertion Professionnelle, MTIP) and the National Agency for Promoting Employment and Skills (Agence Nationale de Promotion de l’Emploi et des Compétences, ANAPEC) – has developed an integrated approach to employment promotion in rural areas. This approach includes the following measures:
- Observation of local labour market conditions and dialogue at a provincial level
- Expansion of the network of vocational advice centres to support and help place young job-seekers, and to provide assistance to young entrepreneurs
- Measures for improving employability, particularly by means of short-term training courses that are adapted for rural areas
To ensure the long-term effectiveness of the project at interregional and national levels, the project supports key actors in employment promotion at national and regional levels. This contributes to the permanent establishment of dialogue aimed at disseminating the model and to securing funding via national and regional partners.
The Firm of Consultants support the implementation of Field of activity 1 ‘dissemination of local labour market instruments’. The main objective of the project component 1 corresponds to output A of the project: Local labour market instruments for young men and women in rural areas have been enhanced through the work of public, private and civil society institutions.
Type of Services Provided
Support to the implementation of labour market instruments:
- Implementation of technical short-term trainings
- Capacity development of technical trainers with a focus on soft skills
- Capacity building of EOP (Espace Orientation Professionelle) advisors on entrepreneurship services
- Evaluation of employment impacts using tracer studies
- Documentation and knowledge management
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Reporting
- Project management and financial administration Coordination