Transition into the Labour Market
COUNTRY: Germany (Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen)
CLIENT: Regional Employment Agency (REA)
PROJECT DURATION: 01.02.2009 – 31.07.2014
The present labour market is subject to constant changes due to technological and economic developments. In this frame, labour market needs on the one side, and professional skills attained through education on the other, need to be continuously, linked, revised and adapted.
Transition into the Labour Market is an active labour market measure launched by the Federal Employment Agency and aims to support transit from school to employment by means of promotion and use of the TVET system.
The target group of the programme are young pupils in the pre-transition classes (last years before graduation from schools) who have difficulties in achieving their graduation, could or wish not enter the high education system and are at risk of marginalisation on the labour market.
The objective of this project is to support the Regional Employment Agency in Brandenburg area to implement the Transition into the Labour Market measure. In this frame, IB took the role of an educational counsellor and supported young students on their way from school to training and employment.
A particular aspect of the measure is the promotion of TVET system as a way to enhance professional skills and support young people at risk to enter the labour market.
Type of Services Provided
- Technical support to the client on planning & management (budget and strategic planning, quality management according EFQM standards);
- Continuous development of measure methodologies in close consultation with relevant actors;
- Labour market analysis: identification of needs & trends, identification of best practices;
- Promotion of TVET system (seminars, workshops);
- Design and delivery of capacity building activities, notably trainings;
- Organisation of professional orientation and job counselling services to the target groups: