Vocational Preparation Measures for Rehabilitees
COUNTRY: Germany (Berlin, Brandenburg)
CLIENT: Regional Employment Agency (REA)
PROJECT DURATION: 06.09.2012 – 05.09.2016
Vocational Preparation Training Measure for Rehabilitees (BvB-Reha) is an educational preparation programme for technical vocational education and training (TVET) within the dual system. The target group of the programme is young adolescents who have attended schools for mentally handicapped whereas the grade of their disability does not prevent the inclusion into the general labour market. Beside their mental handicap they mainly show a lack of professional orientation and/ or a lack of maturity in order to pass a vocational training successfully and need an increase of professional capacity. The guidance and support process includes a close collaboration with network partners (e. g. family, employers) in order to stabilize personality and motivation. The programme is a main stakeholder of local and regional committees on inclusive special education for young people and thereby provides technical assistance to regional policy and decision makers.
The objective of the project is to support the Regional Employment Agency with the implementation of the BvB-Reha programme, which aims ultimately at integration of people with special needs into the labour market according their abilities. BvB-Reha aims to improve practical skills as well as theoretical basic knowledge in order to increase individual career chances with professional support.
Type of Services Provided
- Technical support to the client on planning and coordination of the programme;
- Continuous development of BvB-Reha programme methodologies in close consultation with relevant actors;
- Advice to REA on market trends and professional orientation priorities;
- Implementation and further development of education standards that support the provision of competency-based education in close cooperation with the client;
- Elaboration of training plans and curriculum development for unemployed people with disabilities, assessment of training results;
- Organisation of TVET and support services to the target groups:
- Actualisation of labour market information instruments of REA with data on market needs and priorities, outcomes of TVET trainings, transit to employment of the target groups