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Youth Migration Services 2022

COUNTRY: Germany
CLIENT: German Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizen, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
PROJECT DURATION: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2022
OVERALL PROJECT VALUE: 15,047,660 €   


Youth Migration Services (YMS) is a social assistance programme designed to accompany migrants with an individual integration scheme including integration courses on their way to education, vocational training placements and employment. Immigrants are in need of a socio-pedagogic assistance with a focus on migrant specific issues helping them to overcome the numerous barriers and obstacles they are confronted with. YMS assist young people with a migration background aged between 12 and 27 with their integration process at more than 450 centres throughout Germany.


The overarching goal is to integrate vulnerable groups socially and economically. The objective of the project is to support the German Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizen, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) in the implementation of the migration service programme aiming at:

  • the improvement of integration opportunities (through educational programmes including alphabetisation, language skills, vocational training and social skills),
  • to promote equal opportunities for all, and
  • to promote the participation of migrants in all fields of the political, cultural and social life.

This assistance is also needed when immigrants have already lived in Germany for several years or are even born here. Migration services are thus a mediator between public institutions and people with a migrant background. The programmes appeal to an annual number of 10.000 people with a migration background. Social workers also assist to the parents of young migrants by explaining the German school and vocational training system and thus helping them to find their way in society and the labour market.

Acting according to the regulations of the German youth welfare system, the migration services strive for reducing disadvantages and enabling people with a migration background to have access to the same opportunities as their local counterparts. The target groups include children, young people and adults with a migration background

Type of Services Provided

  • Grant management, including supervision, definition of criteria to receive funds, financial administration, quality control, monitoring and evaluation and reporting to client
  • Technical assistance to BMFSFJ on planning and management of the programme (strategic and financial planning, quality management according EFQM standards);
  • Development of programme methodologies & identification of best practices;
  • Evaluation and analysis of the programme’s impact;
  • Advice to BMFSFJ on migration social protection measures (e.g. questions related to education and social insurance, situation of social needs, etc.);
  • Individual case management and competence identification checks;
  • Institutional capacity building for the 90 IB migration service centres (CSOs) throughout Germany;
  • Organisation of courses and assistance services to the target group

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