20 Years of IB Polska

What a moving occasion! For twenty years, the IB Polska Foundation has been successfully committed to education, social integration, senior citizens and people in difficult life situations in general - most recently with a remarkable commitment to people who had to flee Ukraine. We were able to celebrate this success story last week at a gala in Krakow to mark the anniversary of the IB Polska Foundation. The Villa Delcius provided a dignified setting and a festive atmosphere.

The guests included founding members, foundation representatives and employees as well as friends and partners of IB Polska. We were particularly pleased to welcome our guest of honor, the deputy mayor of the city, Maria Klaman, and the president of the IB Group, Petra Merkel, who honored the activities of the foundation with speeches.

We would like to thank the employees of IB Polska for their daily commitment and all those who make this work possible - here's to another 20 years!

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