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"A contribution of solidarity within the European Union"

In Athens, the IB Chairman Thiemo Fojkar and the Managing Director of the IB International Cooperation, Richard Schottdorf, discussed with the Greek Minister for Migration and Refugee Policy, Notis Mitarachi, and Konstantinos Rodopoulos, the President of the Greek AKMH Group, possibilities to support the qualification and social integration of refugees in countries of the European Union. The aim of the IB is to contribute to the successful integration of refugees.

"The Minister certainly understood the meeting with us as a sign of solidarity with his country in questions of the integration of refugees in Europe," said Thiemo Fojkar. "We have assured him that we want to make our contribution to counteract the unsustainable conditions on the EU's borders through targeted and goal-oriented measures in cooperation with the Greek government and the EU. Greece needs our solidarity and we as IB can professionally manage the integration efforts". The IB will, if the legal requirements are met, pay special attention to the integration of refugees in those areas where there is a considerable need for skilled workers in Europe. "This is a contribution of solidarity within the EU and will especially help those people who had to leave their home countries for whatever reason", Fojkar concluded.


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