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Caravan 2000: 25 Years for Diversity and Understanding in Europe

At the end of October, the German and international Caravan Association celebrated its 25th anniversary with 65 members, friends and guests in the German City of Oberursel. Founding members were also present and very proud of what has developed from the idea of using the year 2000 to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Europe.

The Caravan 2000 network is a large network to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities beyond the borders of Europe - for diversity and understanding. The network was initiated in 1997 by the IB and in 1999 officially founded as an association together with other partners.

The highlight of the evening was a performance by the spontaneously founded inclusive “GINA Music Group”. The musicians from seven different countries gave an extraordinary concert with mostly recycled instruments and were rewarded with thunderous applause.

People with and without disabilities from many partner countries celebrated a great party and looked back on the many projects that the network has implemented and that have sustainably improved the living conditions of people with disabilities in our country and our partners.

They continue to do so, as in our current project GINA: Green INclusive Academy - Become a green trainer.

Uwe Nussbaum, Chairman of the Workshop Council of the Oberurseler Werkstätten, said enthusiastically: “It is always nice for me to feel that there are still people who show the appropriate commitment (and apparently LIVE it) so that we, people with disabilities, are a little better off!”

On the same day, the new board of the International Caravan Federation was elected: Régis Alvin (France) took over the presidency from Lina Trebiene (Lithuania). Christiane Lensch from the Internationaler Bund from Germany was confirmed as assessor.

Everyone agreed: the caravan moves on, we still have a lot to do!

Further information:

Green INclusive Academy: ginaproject.eu

#IBInternational #Caravan 2000 #GINAProject #Inclusion

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