During the efforts still needed to contain the Covid 19 virus, the issue of climate change has almost disappeared from the public debate. Even if this is understandable from a human perspective, the future viability of future generations depends on whether we can slow down climate change. The focus here is on promoting sustainable action by all of us. "At present, for example, the German federal government is doing its utmost to keep the economy going or get it moving again. That is important and right. But that is also why the mountains of debt are rising this year and next. At the same time, the icebergs are continuing to melt," criticizes IB Chairman Thiemo Fojkar. "The other way around would of course be better. The climatic change takes place further".
As was the case before the pandemic, it is once again predominantly young people who, with last week's Fridays for Future demonstration, are once again campaigning for the fact that climate change must still be taken seriously - in compliance with the applicable hygiene regulations. What can happen if the topic is ignored is shown by the forest fires this year, currently raging fires in California. Existences are destroyed, humans killed and it becomes in opinion of experts in the next years still worse. Also in Europe humans and nature suffer after the third dry year in consequence.
The IB is convinced that only a sustainable use of existing resources can slow down climate change. It may not yet be too late, even if political measures take a long time to take effect. The IB established a sustainability management system years ago and is making its contribution to climate protection, for example by purchasing green electricity for all facilities. Currently, the fleet management and business trips are being reviewed for their environmental compatibility. "In this way we are underlining that we not only demand sustainable action, but also implement it," said Fojkar. "The young people are one step ahead of us in many respects - after all, it is their future for which we bear responsibility.
"Climate change is still happening"