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HdWM Summer Semester 2020: Digital Teaching Successfully Launched

The corona pandemic is currently presenting universities with major challenges. Nevertheless, the HdWM has managed to successfully start the semester on 1 April. The entire course of studies has been converted to online offers.

Digital learning environment starts earlier than planned

The university benefits from the fact that both, the necessary expertise and the technological infrastructure for digital teaching are available. The specially founded Institute for Digital Media and the long-term use of Microsoft Office 365 have made the rapid implementation possible. But it was necessary to prepare the HdWM team from teaching and administration for the challenge in order to be able to meet it successfully. Prof. Dr. Birgit Schmitz, head of the Institute for Digital Media, is very satisfied with the feedback after the first days of the semester. Lecturers and students have coped well with the new situation. The technology has also worked. "The students are proving to be a valuable support for the changeover," says Prof. Schmitz. "Through their practical activities, which they complete within the HdWM studies, many of them already have experience with Microsoft teams, which they can now contribute".

Virtual Classroom: Over 80 first-year students start their studies digitally

Due to the initial restrictions, the starter day for first-year students had to be cancelled, a tradition that was highly appreciated by all participants. Nevertheless, the more than 80 first-year students - many of whom are still abroad - were given a fitting welcome. In the course teams they were welcomed by their course directors, and in a video message Prof. Dr. Perizat Daglioglu, President of the HdWM and Prof. Dr. Dolores Sanchez Bengoa, Vice President International Affairs, addressed the students. Prof. Daglioglu: "It is especially important to me that our students know that we are here for them and that we share their concerns. We as a university will do everything within our power to ensure that they get through the semester as well and successfully as usual".

More information: https://www.hdwm.de/management-hochschule/presse/single/2988679

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