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Immediate Help Needed for Exchange Organisations and Educational Institutions

International student and youth exchanges in Europe are facing historical challenges. Every year hundreds of thousands of young people take part in an international student exchange or youth encounters in Europe. However, 75 years after the end of the Second World War, the Corona Crisis has brought international student and youth exchanges which have contributed significantly to international understanding over the past decades to a standstill. Generations of young people have been encouraged in international exchange and encounter projects to live democracy, social diversity and European understanding and to commit themselves to these values.

These biography-defining experiences of young people are made possible by schools, but often also by non-profit exchange organisations, associations and meeting places, which are now threatened with closure due to the stoppage of meeting projects. Essentially, these non-profit organisations do not fall under the rescue nets set up by the federal and state governments.

you can find the text of the call (German) here



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