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Fairness in Fighting Shortage of Professionals

As a member of the registered association „Recruitment and Placement of Nurses from Abroad e. V.”, it also ensures fairness in the fight against the shortage of professionals. In Germany, as in many other Western countries there is a shortage of professionals - especially in the health sector. As a result, the staff are constantly under enormous stress and time pressure to provide appropriate care to patients. 

The "expedited procedure for professionals " - Section 81a of the Residence Act, which came into force in March 2020 - is intended to provide relief to this situation. The official procedure that allows qualified professionals from abroad to come to Germany will be shortened so that employers are able to plan better and recruit more quickly.

The German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) has also established a quality standard for the nursing sector as well as legal requirements for recruitments. This standard is supposed to ensure a fair process for German companies and recruitment agencies when recruiting foreign workers. It applies above all to professionals from countries outside the European Union. For this purpose, the BMG grants the state quality seal "Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany ", which is only awarded to companies that guarantee confidential information, transparency, certain ethical principles and fairness in the recruitment process for care workers. "Maintaining high standards in these processes for the benefit of the employees is a matter of course for the IB ," confirms Karola Becker, member of the IB Executive Board. 

In February 2022, the IB became the first non-profit organization in Germany to receive the "Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany" seal of approval. Interested professionals from abroad can find information in several languages about placement in nursing professions in Germany with the help of the IB on the IB website. The standards of the seal of approval are also to be found there. 

By following these principles, the IB helps reduce the shortage of professionals in the care sector by supporting people from abroad to build a fair professional and social existence in Germany.

International Migration Services helped 3000 professionals find jobs in Germany

Since 2011, about 3,000 qualified people have been able to find a job in German companies. The expertise of the IB is reflected in the various elements of the professional projects, both in the selection of people on site and in their accompaniment during the language courses and the social and vocational integration in Germany. 

Since April 2022, it has become possible to establish reliable information, transparency and fairness as core values of solid and appreciative work in the international acquisition of professionals thanks to the participation in the quality seal and quality association. The prerequisites for successful interaction between foreign nursing staff and all other stakeholders are now in place – from the placement and recruitment process to the company integration concept. 

"The principles of the quality association correspond to the values of the IB, which is why we are happy to actively participate in further developing the content of the activities and goals," explains Verena Schneeweiß, Head of the IMS department.

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