Frenchman Henri Humblot was one of the founding fathers of the Internationaler Bund (IB) 75 years ago. He saw international youth encounters as an opportunity to broaden young people's cultural and intercultural horizons towards Europe. At the time in which he became involved, shortly after the Second World War, this was extremely courageous and forward-looking.
The IB owes its international aspect to Henri Humblot. Contact with Humblot's family is therefore very important to the IB. In mid-September, Sterenn Coudray, who is responsible for international youth work at the IB, was delighted to be able to visit Humblot's two daughters in Auxerre, Burgundy. The two ladies were also delighted with the visit.
#IBInternational #75yearsIB #HenriHumblot #internationalYouthWork
Visit to Humblot's Descendants