IB Expertise on Vocational Education and Training sought after internationally as well

Image: IB Hotel Friedberger Warte


The Internationaler Bund (IB) continues to successfully export its expertise on vocational education and training to other European countries during the COVID 19 pandemic. An example of this is the "Kom-Inno" project within the framework of the EU education programme Erasmus+. Since September 2019, the Internationaler Bund (IB) has been implementing Kom-Inno together with its partner institutions Agence nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes (AFPA), the German-Bulgarian Centre for Vocational Education and Training (DPBGCPO) and the Vocational Education and Rehabilitation Centre Austria (BBRZ). The aim of this project is to pool expertise. Different curricula are being developed, e.g. for vocational preparation measures, for the training of professions in demand (such as hotel manager or cook) or also for measures for integration into the labour market. The curricula explain both the legal framework and the practice of the providers with their quality standards. In addition, the participants present their methods and ways of working with participants in order to activate and motivate them in particular.

Cooperation with the IB Hotel Friedberger Warte in Frankfurt

Currently, the legal framework for vocational preparation measures and for dual training is being developed in Bulgaria. The German-Bulgarian Vocational Training Centre is working out recommendations for the Bulgarian government in this regard. Through cooperation with the IB Hotel Friedberger Warte in Frankfurt, both the perspective of a company and that of a provider are being examined. So far, the IB has formulated recommendations for vocational orientation and preparation. Now it is working on the curricula for hotel management assistants or cooks. Due to the pandemic, the meetings will be held digitally.

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