IB Polska's "Multicultural Center" in Krakow has Opened its Doors

The IB Polska Foundation is the operator of the Multicultural Center in Krakow from March 1st to December 31st, 2021, which operates an information point for foreigners.
We will conduct intercultural activities, organize meetings, screenings, debates, culinary and empathic workshops, conferences, seminars and other events.
We will provide space and support for activists, NGOs and informal groups that work with and for domestic foreigners.
Our current activities include:

☑ informing the residents of Kraków about efforts to promote migrants and minorities;
☑ organizing integration activities for foreigners and members of national and ethnic minorities with representatives of the host society;
☑ Supporting foreigners as well as national and ethnic minorities in organizing events that present the culture and history of their countries of origin;
☑ building up a voluntary base and to establish contacts between foreigners and volunteers.

More info about the IB Polska Foundation can be found here: http://www.ib-polska.pl/

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