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Increased Professional Exchange: IJAB Sharpens its Profile

The newly elected IJAB Board (from the left): Thomas Hoffmann, Andrea Rühmann, Dirk Thesenvitz, Sterenn Coudray, Rolf Witte. Photo: Fotostudio Heupel Bonn

The International youth service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) promotes and shapes international youth work and youth policy cooperation worldwide. The aim is to achieve better mutual understanding through international exchange and to support international education and participation, as well as to counteract xenophobia, racism and violence. The Internationaler Bund (IB) is a member of the specialist unit.

IJAB has spent more than a year developing its new profile. All stakeholders (board, head office, BMFSFJ and members) were involved in the entire transparent process in a committed and constructive manner. The aim was to sharpen IJAB's profile and redefine its tasks. A first step in this direction was the adoption of a mission statement at the General Assembly. This describes IJAB's missions, visions, values and tasks in detail and is to be implemented from 2024. Above all, it is important to strengthen the professional exchange between the office and members and to involve members more in decision-making processes.

The Executive Board was also newly elected. In this role, Sterenn Coudray from IB represents the area of youth social work from now on. Rolf Witte (BKJ) remains Chairman of the Board. Other deputy chairpersons are Andrea Rühmann (AKSB for political education) Thomas Hoffmann (City of Hamburg for the federal states) and Dirk Thesenvitz (AEJ for the DBJR).

"I am delighted to be able to represent youth social work on the IJAB Board and to help bring the mission statement to life," explains Sterenn Coudray on her election.

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