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International Youth Work: Parliamentary Evening in Berlin

Photo credits: Thomas Rosenthal

Last week, the Internationaler Bund (IB) took part in the Parliamentary Evening of International Youth Work (IJA) in Berlin with a contribution on the promotion of democracy in the IJA. It was pleasing to hear from MPs Silvia Breher and Chantal Kopf that the Children and Youth Plan (KJP) of the Federal Youth Ministry (BMFSFJ) is the key to (international) youth work. It is important to strengthen the associations through the KJP.

It was also recommended that young people's media skills should be developed at school - a demand that young people themselves are also making.

From the Akademie der Künste, the participants had a wonderful view of Pariser Platz and the Brandenburg Gate.

It was a great event, many thanks to IJAB and JUGEND für Europa!

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