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New IB Special School in Turkey Opened

Following the requests from parents, children and youth, the IB opened a new special school on 1 June 2016 in Turkey. 

The IB special schools “Melekler” in Turkey offer individual support, rehabilitation, therapy and remedial teaching for children and youth with disabilities. The schools currently have a capacity for up to 1000 children and youth. The high demand for the Schools of Angels – “Melekler” - is driven by the innovative concepts - e.g. facilitated communication - that are introduces by the IB.

All training staff are graduated special teachers. The teachers and support staff are participating in regular further education courses on the job. Frequent study visits to other IB institutions and expert exchanges are cornerstones to continuous improvements of the “Melekler” special schools quality. The Participation of parents and partners is a key element of the schools concept. Leisure activities and parent counselling are offered on a regular basis.

The “Melekler” schools are committed to the IB’s vision helping people to develop in freedom, to shape their own lives, to integrate into society, to take on personal responsibility, to actively help shaping the development of society, to encourage the willingness for social support to the individual and the society, as well as to promote international understanding and cooperation.

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