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New Project in Somalia Started: Vocational Schools of the Future

Somalia is one of the world’s poorest and most fragile countries. During the civil war, the state was unable to deliver basic services, such as health care, or maintain the country’s infrastructure. Armed conflicts and natural disasters have displaced more than one million Somalis within their own country.

After more than 25 years of civil war, the election of the Federal Government of Somalia in 2012 marked the start of a new chapter in the country’s history. A year later, a total of 40 countries and organisations concluded an agreement with Somalia, known as the New Deal, in order to support its transition to peace and prosperity. The country still faces major challenges in relation to health care and food security. The security situation remains critical in much of the country, especially in South and Central Somalia, greatly restricting international organisations’ access to many areas.

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union, GIZ is currently coordinating severeal projects in Somalia, one focusing on rehabilitation of vocational training.

The IB is supporting the programme with capacity development and support for the establishment of model TVET centres in three regions. Vocational guidance activities promote vocational training as a worthwhile alternative for Somali youth and contribute to the sustainable dissemination of new skills and experiences. Public relations work to sensitise private companies, government institutions, parents and young people to the benefits and necessity of the vocational training offered. This should contribute to the model centres becoming nodes for youth promotion and the development of vocational training beyond the selected regions. 


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