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Proposed federal budget 2020: ODA analysis indicates strong need for improvement

Proposed federal budget 2020: ODA analysis indicates considerable need for improvement

Berlin, 11 September 2019 - In order for Germany to be able to meet its international commitments, far more funds will be needed for development cooperation and humanitarian aid (ODA) than are envisaged in the draft federal budget for 2020. This is the assessment of an analysis by the Global Public Policy Institute on behalf of the Verband Entwicklungspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe  (Association for Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid (VENRO)).

"The German government must not lose sight of its goal of investing 0.7 percent of gross national income in development cooperation," warns Heike Spielmans, Managing Director of VENRO. She calls on the Bundestag to support substantial improvements to the draft federal budget. "Due to its economic strength, Germany plays an important role in combating hunger and poverty worldwide and in implementing the goals of Agenda 2030. This requires a clear perspective for increasing the budgets of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Federal Foreign Office".

According to the ODA analysis, the draft federal budget for 2020 currently lacks more than 1.3 billion euros to reach the 0.7 percent target. This means that expenditure on development cooperation and humanitarian aid will fall to a level lower than at the beginning of the legislative period by 2021 - despite an agreement to the contrary in the coalition agreement. Without a clear counter-measure, Germany will again fail to meet its target of allocating 0.15 to 0.2 percent of gross national income to cooperation with the poorest countries.

"Instead of raising the cost of defence, Germany would do well to promote the work of civil society organisations more strongly," explains Spielmans. "They are often the ones who maintain social structures in fragile states and prevent conflicts. Supporting their work protects human lives and is more effective than forcing peace by force of arms. However, many states are increasingly restricting civil society action. This makes it all the more important for Germany to send a clear signal and provide greater financial support for the work of civil society".

More information and the original press release (in German) can be found here.

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