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Signing of the Partner Agreement with the Employers' Umbrella Organisation CGEM in Morocco

On March 18, 2020, the partner agreement with the Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), the umbrella organisation of employers in Morocco, was signed on behalf of Mohamed Slassi Sennou and Ralph Matschinsky in Cassablanca.

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and sequa gGmbH, the Internationaler Bund (IB), as a member of the Bundesverband Berufsbildung International (BvBBI), coordinates the "Altazir" training and employment project in Morocco.
Despite good economic development, Morocco is struggling with high unemployment among young people. Young women are disproportionately affected by unemployment. Overall, there is a lack of jobs for the young population. The labour market is characterised by underemployment and precarious employment with low incomes. Not enough employment opportunities have yet been created in the industrial and service sectors. At the same time, they complain about a lack of qualified workers.

The aim of the Altazir project is to improve the employability of young people through vocational training measures. In cooperation with the employers' umbrella organisation CGEM, and the Observatoire des branches (OdB), a practice-oriented design of vocational training is promoted.

In addition to steering the project, the IB will promote the creation of partial qualifications in various occupational fields. Job coaching and start-up advice will enable the trainees to successfully apply for jobs and start their own business. At the same time, the ability of the Observatoire des Branches (ODB) to identify sustainable training needs and to feed the needs of the Moroccan private sector into the national training models for vocational training is to be developed.

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