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Skills Shortage

Apprentice in a woodworking company: The Internationaler Bund (IB) criticizes the fact that many companies do not take on apprentices. (Photo: PIXX.!O)

The Internationaler Bund (IB) shares the view that the shortage of skilled workers in Germany is also due to the many companies that do not provide any or hardly any training. IG Metall has expressed the same view.

IG Metall is a trade union that represents the interests of employees in the metal and electrical industry in Germany. According to the union's figures, not even one in five companies in Germany provides training. Those that do take on trainees often do so in smaller numbers than would be possible.

"Even if the IG Metall figures cannot be applied one-to-one to the entire German economy, they are alarming. Companies that provide little or no training should not complain about the lack of skilled workers. It is in the companies' own interest to employ trainees themselves within the scope of their possibilities - or alternatively in small companies in so-called training associations," says Thiemo Fojkar, Chairman of the IB.

Even young people with a secondary school leaving certificate deserve the chance of a job interview

Business associations complain that it is often impossible to find trainees despite intensive searches. However, the IB - like IG Metall - believes that the recruitment practices of some companies are too strict: The educational qualifications required for a trainee position are increasing. In some professions, complex assessment centers have replaced the classic, multi-stage recruitment process. The Internationaler Bund advocates giving young people with a secondary school leaving certificate the chance of a job interview.

Another starting point lies in the corporate culture of some companies. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training has recorded an increased contract termination rate in recent years.

Thiemo Fojkar: "One of the reasons for this is that in some companies the way trainees are treated is extremely harsh - and the quality of the knowledge and skills taught is sometimes poor. If you want to be an attractive employer, you can't afford that. Young people today want to learn at eye level. Anyone who still has the mindset that training years are not master years should not be surprised about problems with the next generation."

The Internationaler Bund is itself active in training and career guidance for young people. 


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