Successful Year Conference of the EVBB in Brussels

Brussels: The topic “Training and competencies for employment and development” was at the focus at the conference of the European Association of Institutes of Vocational Training (EVBB) from 21st – 24th October 2015, which took place in the Belgian capital of Brussels. More than 120 participants from Europe, Asia and Africa discussed the chances and perspectives in the context of the implementation of the “EU-Strategy 2020.”

The highlight of the conference was the keynote of Günter Oettinger, EU-commissioner for Digital economy and society.  He emphasized specifically the perspectives related to “Economy 4.0” and pointed to the consequences for the European education policy. Member of EU Parliament Thomas Mann spoke about the high youth unemployment rate in several European countries and acknowledged the merits, which the EVBB earned while seeking for higher employment especially for youths. 

The new elected president of the EVBB, chairmen of BBB/IB Thiemo Fojkar, who succeeded Werner Sigmund, emphasized that EVBB members do not need to be afraid of any future digitalization of the Economy.  The Association is well linked with other networks and is well prepared  to succeed in these processes. Tone of the pioneering documents in that context is the VET4EU2 – declaration of Riga from 6 well-known European Educational and VET  institutions from June 2015.  

A second topic of the conference was the European reaction to the refugee crises in Europe. President Fojkar, demanded that Europe needs to jointly develop positions and show shared responsibility. Vocational training of young refugees can be a big chance for the educational Institutions. Upcoming challenges in this context can only be met throughout a common approach and a good corporation between the EVBB members and Networks such Solidar and the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA). “The cooperation with EVTA shows that both organizations have decided to share a common office in the future in Brussels where the EVBB will also be represented by its new full-time secretary general Horst Dreimann”, says Thiemo Fojkar.

On the first day of the conference “DIE EUROPA” of the Adalbert Kitsche foundation was awarded for the 12th time. Every year, this award goes  to an innovative VET project for disadvantaged young people.  Award winner this year was the German-Bulgarian training institute, a Bulgarian state owned enterprise that combines several educational institutions from various zones of Bulgaria. Awarded was the project “Young chances”. 

At the EVBB general assembly meeting, the Association elected its new presidium. Part of it are the new president Thiemo Fojkar, vice-president and Treasurer Othmar Friedl (BBRZ GRUPPE), vice-presidents Karola Becker (IB, Germany) and Dr. Margarida Segard (ISQ, Portugal) as well as vice-president Dr Bernhard Beckmann (EBG, Germany) and Matthias Dargel (CJD, Germany). Further members of the presidium are Edyta Chrzaszcz (OHP, Poland), Giorgio Sbrissa (ENAIP, Italy), Dr. Le Van Hien (Lilama 2, Vietnam), Nicolae Cernei (German-Romanian foundation, Rumania), Francesco Genova (ENAIP, Switzerland), Dr. Christoph Jungwirth (BBRZ GRUPPE, Austria), Dr. Lubov Popova (German-Bulgarian Educational Institution , Bulgaria) and Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h.c. Richard Teßmer (EBG, Germany). 

Werner Sigmund was elected as  EVBB – honorary president. The new sectary general of the EVBB is Horst Dreimann (IB, Germany), Hümeyra Baykan (EBG, Germany) and Anton Sabo (BBRZ GRUPPE, Austria) were confirmed as assistant secretary generals. 

In both well visited wokshops on the second conference day on the subjects “Industry and Digital Education 4.0” and “Workplace oriented Education” , well-known speakers from the political field Mrs. Saskia Esken (member of the German Parliament), from the  industry  – Mr. Klaus Herrmann, (FESTO learning center), Mr. Ing. Josef Frühlinger (RIC GmbH, BRP-Power train) and Mr. Bertram Rollmann (Printex) – as wells as trainers from the education institutions of Bulgaria, Slovenia, Vietnam and Russia had a say.  Within the 3rd workshop on the last day of the conference, recent projects of EVBB were presented. 

The EVBB is a European umbrella organization. It was created in December 1992, a few days before the European Single Market was established. Up until today it has 53 member associations and members of vocational training from over 20 countries of Europe, Africa and Asia. All in all the EVBB has more than 35.000 employees within 1.500 VET centers throughout its member associations. 

More information about the EVBB:

Media Contact:
Horst Dreimann
EVBB Secretary General
c/o EVTA
Rue de la loi 93 -97
1040 Brussels
Cell phone +49 170 3368923

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