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The IB Commemorates the 60th Anniversary of the German-Turkish Recruitment Agreement

On the 60th anniversary of the German-Turkish recruitment agreement, the IB calls for better educational opportunities for the successive generations of the people who immigrated at that time. Photo: Zachtleven / pixabay.com

The IB commemorates the 60th anniversary of the German-Turkish Recruitment Agreement on October 30, 2021. Under this agreement, around 850,000 people - then called "guest workers" - came to Germany. Their work contributed significantly to the economic upswing in the Federal Republic.
Contrary to initial plans, many of these Turks settled permanently, founded families here, became involved in civil society and, in some cases, even took up citizenship. Almost three million people with Turkish roots live in Germany today.
It is a central concern of the IB to promote the integration of people with a migration background and to stand up for peaceful social coexistence. This task is successfully lived out every day in the daycare centers, youth centers, training centers, volunteer services and refugee assistance of the IB, among others.

The IB demands, among other things, the expansion of all-day schools, more language instruction and more heterogeneity in classes.

But the anniversary is also an occasion to shed light on today's situation and the social advancement opportunities of descendants of the immigrants at that time. The current OECD education report, "Education at a Glance 2021," identifies clear deficits in the German education system. Among other things, the report criticizes the fact that the school system in Germany is divided up at an early stage and that there are too few social and language support opportunities for children who only receive half-day care. In many cities and districts, there is a high degree of homogeneity - either (almost) no students with a migration background or a very large number. This is detrimental to learning success, especially in the area of language.
The IB therefore demands, among other things, more heterogeneity in classes, an expansion of all-day schools including language instruction, and an integration policy geared to urban districts. A good example of the latter is the IB's youth migration services. In addition, the recommendations are to promote social housing and to take measures against discrimination in the search for housing.
"The German-Turkish recruitment agreement was a milestone. It ensured that the local economy got urgently needed workers and many Turks*Turkish women a job. But that was not and is not enough. The integration of immigrants and their descendants is an ongoing process. This is especially true in the area of education, because everyone should have the same opportunities. This is where the OECD report shows the need for action by the new federal government," says Thiemo Fojkar, Chairman of the IB.



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