The IB Starts a New Project in Kosovo

The Germany Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) finances the Programme "Capacity Development in the Basic Education Sector (CDBE)" in Kosovo. The programme focuses its activities on capacity development at the individual, institutional and system level. It is divided into four fields of action: 1. Improvement of the conditions for transparency and accountability in basic education, 2. Improvement of the quality of learning, 3. Improvement of educational management, and 4. Improvement of the educational participation of girls and boys who are returning from migration and in particular children from ethnic minorities. On behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the IB will focus its project activities on the participation of girls and boys returning from migration and children from ethnic minorities. Main activities are: (1) Enhance framework conditions for successful reintegration of returnees, (2) Develop and implement concerted support programme, (3) Enhance awareness of reintegration, and (4) Needs analysis for psycho-social support and information dissemination.

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