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The IB supports the recommendations for the promotion of inclusive education

Inclusive education means that all people can participate in quality education and realise their full potential. An inclusive education system is a core element of equitable education for all people, as called for by the United Nations in its Education 2030 Agenda (Goal 4 of the Global Sustainability Agenda). The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities affirms education as a human right and commits to inclusion in education. It has now been in force for a decade.

At its Annual General Meeting two years ago, the German UNESCO Commission adopted the resolution "For inclusive education in Germany". In this resolution, the Bundestag and the Federal Government were called upon "to set up a programme for the promotion of inclusive education, from early childhood education to the transition from school to work and to opportunities for further training, coordinated with the states and local authorities and provided with sufficient resources".

Recommendations were drawn up for this purpose by the Inclusive Education Expert Group of the German UNESCO Commission. These recommendations describe key points for the implementation of a programme to promote inclusive education and thus provide a basis for enhanced cooperation between the federal government, states, local authorities and other actors from education, industry and civil society.

The IB expressly supports these recommendations. Its aim is to implement inclusion as a cross-cutting task in all of the IB's business areas as far as possible. The IB sees it as its central task to enable and support people in their diversity, to contribute their individual strengths to society and to help shape it.

By its commitment for inclusion the IB contributes to create optimal conditions for the natural and equal participation of all humans in the life in the society.

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