Following the success of the proWOOD project in Rwanda, we are excited to announce the continuation of our efforts with a new project: proWOOD+,which startet in January 2025. This initiative is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by SEQUA in partnership with the Internationaler Bund (IB).
proWOOD+ focuses on creating better employment opportunities and improved working conditions for carpenters in Rwanda's wood value chain. This project aims to strengthen collaboration among key stakeholders in the sector, including trade unions like STECOMA, while promoting decent work and sustainable growth in carpentry.
A core component of the project is empowering women in carpentry. To achieve this, we aim to establish “Carpenteress’ Clubs”” to advocate for their interests and provide a platform for professional support and development. These efforts will not only enhance opportunities for women but also contribute to building a more inclusive and dynamic workforce. Another important result will be the establishment and application of a system for recognition of prior learning (RPL) in the wood sector, that will substantially improve the employment opportunities and self-confidence of carpenters.
By the project's completion in 2027, we aspire to open new doors for carpenters, advance the economy of Rwanda, and foster long-term cooperation among industry stakeholders. Together with our partners, we are confident that the activities planned under proWOOD+ will have a meaningful and lasting impact on the sector and the communities it serves.
More opportunities, better jobs, and a promising future for Rwanda’s carpentry industry.