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Adult Education in Morocco

Photo: Association l´Heure Joyeuse

Looking back at the Altazir project can make one proud of the positive transformations it initiated over the last years. It did not just provide vocational education for vulnerable youngsters in Morocco, but opened doors to a promising future with professional opportunities. Although the project – managed by the Internationaler Bund (IB) as a member organisation of the BvBBI (Bundesverband Berufsbildung International) and financed by the German Development Ministry (BMZ) via sequa - was closed by the End of February 2024, the results go far beyond.


Since September 2022, 89 young school dropouts in Morocco, including four remarkable women, have started their vocational training in industrial electricity or air conditioning techniques. By doing so, they embraced a journey of professional growth and empowerment through the Altazir project. By the end of February 2024, in total 55 individuals have successfully completed their training. 34 youngsters are still following vocational training courses and will most likely be integrated into the labour market by the end of 2024. 

The four women, together with 43 other successful graduates have entered the labour market. Through the cooperation with the private sector and actively supported by instructors and jobcoaches trained by German experts at the partner Association l´Heure Joyeuse, 278 additional individuals - including 89 women - were successfully integrated into the labour market. 38 enterprises in the region of Casablanca have received Altazir trainees and many amongst them offered decent jobs to the graduates. 

The IB applauds the sustainable success of Altazir and also acknowledges the collective efforts of its partners who have fuelled this transformative initiative.

The IB managed the project as a member organisation of the Bundesverband Berufsbildung International (BvBBI). The project was funded by the Special Initiative „Decent Work for a Just Transition“ of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) via sequa gGmbH. Local partners in Morocco were the employers' umbrella organisation CGEM and the vocational association l'Heure Joyeuse, which has been active in vocational training in Morocco for many years.

Altazir addressed several UN Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).

The Association l´Heure Joyeuse in Morocco aims at continuing the two practice-oriented training programmes enabling more young vulnerable Moroccans to shape their future. 


Further Information:


IB en: ALTAZIR - Improved Employability of Moroccan Youths

Altazir – Deutsch-marokkanische Partnerschaft für Berufsbildung


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