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Official Opening of the Altazir Project in Morocco

Let's be honest: Did you know that IB is active in more than 60 countries worldwide? Over the next few months, we want to take you on a virtual trip around the world and give you an insight into our international projects.

First of all, we will look at Morocco, or more precisely Casablanca. As a member organisation of the Bundesverband Berufsbildung International (BvBBI), the IB manages the "Altazir" (Arabic: synergy) project, which was officially opened at the end of January 2023. The aim of the project is to provide vocational training for young women and men who have dropped out of school. A total of 120 people can complete a vocational training as an industrial electrician (duration: 12 months) or air-conditioning technician (duration: 10 months) within the framework of Altazir -  supported by well trained teachers and job coaches and in close contact with companies. The vocational training is divided into partial qualifications, each of which includes an internship. After each partial qualification, it is possible to quit, as not everyone can afford a vocational training lasting several months for various socio-cultural reasons. Therefore, beyond the vocational training, the aim is to activate people professionally - for example, by a job offered during the internship or through self-employment. Project partners on site are the employers' umbrella organisation CGEM and the vocational school l'Heure Joyeuse, which has been active in vocational training in Morocco for many years. The German Development Ministry (BMZ) is supporting the project through the development organisation sequa.

You can find more information on our website.

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