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Twelve young Italian nursing professionals have embarked on a new career path in Lucerne, Switzerland. They are part of a pilot program that includes both linguistic and professional qualification training. As part of the program, participants will complete a 700-hour language course to achieve a B2 level in German.

To further enhance their…


The next generation of programmes (2028-2034) is currently being prepared, including the Erasmus+ programme and its youth section. The German Advisory Board for the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps ESC has formulated recommendations: The programmes have demonstrated success in certain areas, while others require improvement. They…


Through its International Migration Services (IMS) department, the Internationaler Bund (IB), together with its partners in various countries, recruits skilled workers, particularly in the fields of healthcare and nursing, as well as education, hospitality and gastronomy.


The political situation overshadowed the meeting of the Council of Polish-German Youth Cooperation.



On the occasion of Franco-German Day (January 22), the Internationaler Bund (IB) is advocating for a posthumous recognition of Henri Humblot. The French officer and educator, who passed away in 1996, was one of the co-founders of the IB in 1949. He believed that peace could not exist without Germany integrating into a peaceful Europe.…


Following the success of the proWOOD project in Rwanda, we are excited to announce the continuation of our efforts with a new project: proWOOD+,which startet in January 2025. This initiative is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by SEQUA in partnership with the Internationaler Bund…


In November 2024, 13 Egyptian trainer in the energy/electronics sector participated in a four-week training program in Germany as part of the Skills4Trends project. The participants, from the Governorates of Menoufia, Cairo, Behaira, and Alexandria, attended the program, which was organized by the Internationaler Bund e.V. (IB) in collaboration…



children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens every year


Qualified employees


Facilities in more than 1000 locations


Active in more than 60 countries worldwide

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IB projects and measures are funded by various partners, including:

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