At the end of October, the German and international Caravan Association celebrated its 25th anniversary with 65 members, friends and guests in the German City of Oberursel. Founding members were also present and very proud of what has developed from the idea of using the year 2000 to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Europe.
The Internationaler Bund (IB) is active with several foreign subsidiaries. It has been working with ENAIP Internationaler Bund GmbH in Switzerland since 2017.
At the beginning of September, young people from Szczecin in Poland visited the IB in Frankfurt/Oder, Germany. The meeting was part of the Erasmus+ project “IB Gastronomy Highlights” and served to get to know each other and exchange ideas with young Germans.
Frenchman Henri Humblot was one of the founding fathers of the Internationaler Bund (IB) 75 years ago. He saw international youth encounters as an opportunity to broaden young people's cultural and intercultural horizons towards Europe. At the time in which he became involved, shortly after the Second World War, this was extremely courageous…
Since 2021 there has been a partnership between the German IB Oberschule Neuenhagen near Berlin and the Polish school Szkola Podstawowa No. 2 near Poznan.
This June, two seventh-grade classes met at the youth hostel in Colditz Castle near the eastern German city of Leipzig. The main objective of the meeting at the Renaissance castle was for the…
Last week, the Internationaler Bund (IB) took part in the Parliamentary Evening of International Youth Work (IJA) in Berlin with a contribution on the promotion of democracy in the IJA. It was pleasing to hear from MPs Silvia Breher and Chantal Kopf that the Children and Youth Plan (KJP) of the Federal Youth…
The Internationaler Bund (IB) is pleased to present an exciting documentary about the impressive journey towards crafts excellence of carpenters in Rwanda's western province.
The documentary was financed with funds from the BMZ special initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition”” via the sequa PartnerAfrica program. In twelve days of…
children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens every year
Qualified employees
Facilities in more than 1000 locations
Active in more than 60 countries worldwide
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